Reg. Charity. No. 204053
The Pitstone Town Lands Charity aims to support people living in the parish of Pitstone who are in need, hardship or distress.
The Charity makes discretionary payments to Pitstone residents, especially those of pensionable age and to organisations supporting the people of the parish. The charity also owns 4 flats providing affordable accommodation for tenants with a strong Pitstone connection.
If you or someone you know is in need of help. Please contact:
Gill Lowe, Chair of PTLC Trustees
tel: 01296 668809,
Or feel free to contact any of the PTLC trustees, their email addresses are shown at the end of this document. All information given to trustees is treated in the strictest confidence.
How does the Charity use its income?
PTLC makes grants to organisations providing services and facilities to Pitstone residents, plus payments to those in need, hardship or distress. PTLC also uses its income on the maintenance, improvement and administration of the flats
Main Grants for Pensioners:
The trustees regard people of pensionable age as among those most in need and assist with grants for glasses, dental care and chiropody. From 2019, the state pension age will increase for both men and women, reaching 66 by 2020 and 67 between 2026 and 2028.
Other Individual Grants:
The Charity makes individual grants, irrespective of age, to people in need but not to replace statutory funding. Examples of grants are: transport costs to hospital or for those seeking employment, support for further education or training including books and bereavement grants towards funeral costs.
The charity does not normally make regular payments or fund a higher level of services than considered necessary by the NHS or other statutory services. This includes limiting payments for dentistry to published standard NHS charges at the time.
Requests for grants must be accompanied by a receipt.
Where does PTLC get its income?
PTLC owns 4 flats and 49 acres of land from which it receives rental income. It also receives dividends and interest from investments in charitable funds.
The charity’s land is rented to local people at commercial rates. Two large fields are used for agricultural purposes and a 6 acre field is rented to residents to keep horses. The charity reports its annual accounts to the Charity Commission and these can be viewed on the Commission’s website.
The History of Pitstone Town Land Charity
Years ago, settlements deemed to be larger than a hamlet, or with a church used to be called a “town”. Hence today’s villages often have a Town Farm or Town Hall and like Pitstone may have Town Land Charities. These charities were so named because they owned strips of land used for the benefit of needy inhabitants of the “town”.
PTLC dates back to 1422 when it possessed two acres of arable land. Later in 1625, documents held in the Buckinghamshire County Archive, show the charity owned a cottage, barn, garden and an orchard. During the 19th century the charity’s assets fell into disrepair. Its buildings were only fit for ducks and during sixty years it only earnt £10 rent!
In 1912 PTLC was revamped and the Charity Commission approved a new scheme allowing the Charity to use funds for nursing tasks and associated travel costs. This operated until 1968, when the current scheme was adopted to widen the scope of benefits which the Charity could offer.
The current trustees are:
- Gill Lowe, Chair,
- Kate Smethers, Treasurer,
- Sue Gregory
- Mark Robinson
- Alasdair Russell
- Peter Loose
Information leaflet:
September 2017